Monday, February 4, 2013

The Poop Scoop & PJ's for Tyler

Vincent woke up once in the middle of the night to visit the bathroom. Tyler woke, too, with a wet bed. I believe there was one more wake up from Tyler later, too. It's a bit fuzzy now.

In the morning, Vincent got up around 7:15 to use the toilet, again. Aside from that, he's been doing pretty well.

I kept Vincent home from school one more day. He went with us to Ty's gymnastics class. After class, he asked for a snack. I forgot to pack one, so I offered to take them to Starbucks. He ate half a butter croissant, and drank a box of apple juice. He was in a good mood.
When we got home, he went straight to our room and back into bed. Tyler and I worked on writing the alphabet and sounding out letters. Vincent got up by the time we made it to "W". He had some red bumps around his eyes. Great. Luckily, it cleared up with a lite hydrocortisone cream.

Vincent ate a decent lunch. Not tons of food, but variety: a couple bites of cheese pizza, quarter cup of applesauce, and potato chips. His mood stayed good.

Tyler and I took a nap, and Vincent played on the iPad. By 3:30pm, he seemed like a new person. Or, more like himself, again. We worked on his home work, took a walk to the store with Tyler, and the boys are back to playing together like normal. The boys even helped me bake cookies.

Fingers crossed for a healthy child. He went to sleep in his own bed tonight.

Ooh, and I meant to say that Tyler spent his whole day in pajamas. He woke up this morning, and was quickly devastated with the knowledge that Vincent and Daddy had already put the Amazon Fresh order away. This is one of his favorite activities. He immediately turned around and went back to bed, with full tears. I went in to comfort him, and the only thing I could think of was to offer letting him wear pajamas to gymnastics class. That totally did it. He did have to change his shirt to match his pants, but he felt so proud.
And, from what I can see, Tyler seems to be doing well in gymnastics. He's no Olympian, or even a gymnast, but it seems to be a positive activity for him.

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