Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In The 3rd Person

In the past few weeks, Tyler has taken to referring to himself in the 3rd person. It's pretty cute, actually. I thought that kids do this at an earlier age and outgrow it by now. 

It's interesting. I feel like Tyler, in some ways, has been more advanced than Vincent, hitting milestones at earlier ages. But, there are a couple of behavior things that I'm seeing has come at a later time. He had a mild case of "terrible twos" when he was 2 years old. Some days are worse than others, but for the most part, age 2-3.5 years was pretty smooth. In the past 6 months, we've really seen a shift in behavior. More defiant, for one. Running off suddenly when we are in public. Whiny. Cries when he does not get his way. And, his energy level has shot up considerably. I've heard of other parents experiencing a similar delayed terrible twos, if you will. I just wonder how long this will last.

In addition to this new behavior, his vocabulary and speech have grown so much. He's becoming more like a little kid than a toddler. He's super funny, too. But, I'm going to save all my Tyler descriptions for a couple weeks from now when he actually turns 4 years old, and wax poetic about it. Stay tuned!

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