Saturday morning we went to the gym to work out, then I took the boys to Subway for lunch. What's with all the fastfood? After the kids took their naps and USA lost in the World Cup, we all got ready to go to Nate and Kate's wedding. We brought our nanny, Audrey, along to help man the kids and then take them home for bedtime. Thank goodness, cuz if we had to be the ones to take the kids home, I wouldn't have had the thrill of watching David show off his moves on the dance floor. I smiled so much, it made my cheeks hurt. Audrey said Tyler passed out right away, but Vincent did not fall alseep until just after 10pm. He must've been so wound up from all the fun he had at the wedding. Or, all the apple juice he drank.
Sunday, we met up with the wedding crew at Cal Anderson Park for a little picnic. While there, Vincent almost took out several people with a frisbee, Tyler tried to make off with a Costco tub of hummus, and Vincent walked a dog. Tyler cut open the inside of his mouth. It was right in that spot above his two front teeth, under his top lip. Lots of blood, lots of crying, lots of rejection of mommy trying to help make him feel better, and some smeared blook on his chubby little cheeks. Oh, and we were so lucky to see a pack of naked, painted bike riders, to which Vincent so innocently asked each one as they were riding away, "Why are you naked?"
After we got home, cleaned Tyler up & put him down for a much needed nap, and had a little lunch, Vincent and I caught a bus to the Children's Museum for Serenna's 4th birthday party. While waiting for the bus, Vincent took a cool picture of me. & Pinocchio. We got stuck in Pridefest traffic, so we walked the remainder of the way.
Vincent did a fantastic job there! It was almost too easy! I got him a plate of snacks: sliced peaches, sliced bread, cheese stick, carrots, and salami. He asked for extra salami and carrots, and didn't touch the peaches or bread. WHAT?! When it was time for cupcakes, I didn't even have to do anything. A mom walked around the table with the tray and asked each kid what they wanted. Vincent picked chocolate/chocolate and ate the whole thing...not just the frosting. Then, he ran around after Serenna, calling out her name if he ever lost sight of her. After the party, V & I rode the monorail to downtown, and did a little shopping. I got him a robot shaped bath bomb at Lush, and he helped me pick out a couple of shirts at Anthropologie. Okay, he sort of helped, but he was so good. He went into the dressing room with me, and commented on how the stuff I tried on looked. He mostly just repeated whatever I said, but he did seem to genuinely like the two shirts I ended up buying.
He fell asleep about 3 stops before we needed to get off our bus on the ride home. I carried him on my back 4 blocks home to our house, including 3 steep hills, while he slept. Now, that's love.
The rest of the evening was pretty typical...dinner, bath, bedtime. Whew! What a weekend!
gawd! i feel lazy and tired just reading about your weekend.