Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Have you been reading some of the comments left on this blog? Many are in Chinese. When I use the bing translator, the comments don't really make much sense. Today, I saw one in English from someone I don't know, and also made no little sense. I've been trying to delete these, but it is super annoying, and I don't know why it is happening. Any tips anyone? I'm thinking of making my comment settings limited to people who are members of this blog. What does that mean? Like you have to be a follower or something? Sheesh.

Anyway, if you see one of these comments, and wonder WTF?, know that I'm wondering the exact same thing.


  1. I actually follow you through a RSS feed so I don't see the comments :) However, it looks like you are getting spammed. You could definitely limit the readership to members only. Folks would have to have a password or something, but it would reduce weird traffic. Or you could wait it out a bit and see if it goes away.

  2. hmm, that is weird. i occasionally get a comment that is obviously spam. and, i have a follower and frequent commenter that i don't know (it's all very friendly and not weird though). at any rate, i would become a member!

  3. Yeah, some of it is friendly, like, "Nice blog..." but I don't know them. At first I thought it was my Godmother or Aunts in Taiwan, but then they seemed too weird and frequent, if friendly. Just weird.
