I took this photo not long before Tyler fell asleep.
At three months old, Tyler's hands have found his mouth. He has become much less interested in the pacifier, now that he has found his fists. He's starting to reach his arms out if you put something out in front of him. This "Skwish" toy was one of Vincent's first toys. It's an easy one for little hands to grab & explore.
Tyler has fast outgrown some of the clothing that Vincent was still wearing at this age, & is fitting into a few of the larger items as well.
Though sleep has improved, he still does wake up often in the night to nurse. He is no longer sleeping in bed with us, but during the daytime, he still needs a lot of closeness. Most of the time he naps in a carrier, and needs for the person carrying him to keep moving. He can fall asleep in the carseat or stroller, but once movement has ceased, he will wake up (maybe not immediately, but soon after).
Nursing has also improved. I think we've almost got it. Now that we've gotten better at it, the challenge is to keep him from being distracted, especially when we are out. He really enjoys stopping to smile and "chat" with me.
One major difference between Tyler and Vincent (at this age) is poop. Vincent pooped at just about every nursing. Tyler only poops every few days. The longest stretch so far has been 5 or 6 days. I won't describe the details of the actual poops, but those are different, too.
In the past few weeks, Tyler has developed a little cradle cap. It's not that bad, and I'm actually not worried about it.
Tyler's 6p-9p fussies aren't as rough now. He's still pretty particular about who comforts him during those hours, but he's coming around to David a little more.
It seems like Tyler is fond of the outdoors. He seems to perk up whenever we go outside. He also seems pretty fond of Vincent. We catch him looking at Vincent with an interested expression, and will smile at him, almost as if trying to get his attention.
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