It just dawned on me that I'm going to have to find to spend quality time with each boy soon. I mean, I already have to do that now, but I'm really gonna need to kick it up a notch (or three). At least, I have my Mondays and Fridays with Tyler. I'll also get more Vincent time this summer, but he'll have to share with the baby, too.
Anyway, we started the day off with both boys getting magazine holders. I bought these a couple months ago at Ikea, and forgot I had them. When Vincent spread out a bunch of Lego magazines and catalogs, I remembered I had them, and gave each boy one to use and decorate. Genius.

This morning, Tyler and I had our date. We went to the gym, then to Cost Plus, and then lunch. He's getting to know Cost Plus pretty well now. For being so patient while I shopped for curtains, I let Tyler pick out something. He chose a Hulk toy/candy. We got a Spider-man one for Vincent, too.
For lunch, Ty picked Genki Sushi. It was the busiest I've seen it at this location. This was a good thing because there were many items to choose from and everything was just made, rather than going around the belt several times before our arrival. Hot items were hot, which taste so much better.
This afternoon, Tyler had his very first karate class. It was actually a little orientation lesson, and he doesn't officially start until Monday. Still, he was super excited, got a new uniform, and even had to earn his white belt. I thought he did a super job listening, even if he was a touch squirmy.
And, since karate was at 5pm, I saved my "Go Out To Dinner" card for tonight. We had a coupon for Tutta Bella, so Tutta Bella we went. David met us there. Yum, it was tasty. We let the boys pick out a dessert at Whole Foods afterwards, and brought them home to eat.
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