Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Days of Summer Break

Ah, the final days of summer before starting a new school year - the first "real" school year. What did we do?

Saturday, Sept. 1 - This was our first, and probably last, Saturday that we didn't have anything to do or anywhere to be. I take it back, we had a couple of things to do, but no major commitments.

We lounged around the house for a long time, then took the kids to Rejuvenation in SoDo to look for hardware for our windows. Fun, huh? Then, we stopped at Costco. The kids filled up on samples, so there was no need to stop for lunch before going home. Instead, we came home and fixed some food here.

For dinner, we fired up our new charcoal grill and had delicious steak.
Isn't she a beauty?

Sunday, Sept. 2 - I went to work in the morning. 

David took the boys to QFC's "Coinstar" machine to cash in the kids' loose change. It was so cute. They both went through their money banks. Vincent had a bunch of dollar bills from his weekly allowance, and counted those up. He had $10 and was so excited to find out that the new Lego catalog showed the green ninja sold individually for $10. He stood up and cheered, "Yay! I can buy just him and I don't need to ask Santa for that big set anymore!" He also gathered all his loose change and put those in a baggie to take to Coinstar. Tyler only had coins, but set aside some that he wanted to save, and bagged up the rest. 

So, they went to the Coinstar machine, got their dollars, and went to Bellevue Square to the Lego store. Unfortunately, Green Ninja (Lloyd) was sold out! Vincent did find a stumpy Ninjago snake for $5, and Tyler opted to save his money.

The boys picked me up from work, and David took them to the playground while I got ready for a wedding we were going to.

Then, there was the wedding. So wonderful. Our friends, Cameron and Serafina, after 10 years together, got married. It was such a beautiful ceremony and space. And, we came home with these pictures:
Monday, Sept. 3 - The kids hung out in their pjs until just before lunch time. They asked us why they weren't dressed, yet. We let them veg out while we got the house ready for a Labor Day BBQ in our backyard. We were debuting the new grill.

It was a fun time. We had kalbi steak tacos, garlic-lime marinated tacos, and coconut-lime chicken tacos. People brought lots of delicious food to share. Oh, and I made my first "ranch" dip from scratch. It was more like a creamy dill, but whatever. It was good. Especially with potato chips. Mmmm, love me some potato chips. 

We had a small pinata for the kids, too. They each got a turn taking a whack at it, and Oliver, the biggest kid of all, took it down. It didn't break open, so David just pick it up, pulled it open, and sprinkled the kids with candy.
Tomorrow, Tyler starts at his preschool's new location, and Vincent and I will have the morning together. He will find out who is kindergarten teacher is, and his classmates.

Happy End O' Summer To All!!

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