Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lucy/Cinco de Mayo

This is the first year, since I've moved to Seattle, that I think I've actually noticed people making a big deal of Cinco de Mayo. Seriously. It's probably because it landed on a Saturday this year, and I'm not working tonight, but didn't spend the whole day wrapped up in family-friendly activity. I did do family stuff in the morning (more on that...), but then went into work for a few hours. While there, there was talk about the holiday. The servers chatted about there being a bit of a buzz around Capitol Hill. It's also the Kentucky Derby day, and there was a bar down the street showing it, and people were all dressed in their pretty clothes and hats. Plus, it's opening day of boating season (I had no idea there was such a day until 4pm today). The sun was shining today, too, which gets people all a flutter in Seattle. 

So, my awareness has been raised about Cinco de Mayo for the first time in 10 years. It used to be a such a big deal to me in Los Angeles, even for being Chinese. I liked going out to celebrate with friends. Or, I was working at Chili's, which brought the festivities to me. Either way, I was careful driving on the streets that evening. I haven't worried about that since living here. Today, David and I consciously opted not to go out to dinner because of all the buzz.

And, as for the family-friendly activities, we had brunch with Lucy, Bob and Halina this morning at Monsoon. It's Lucy's birthday, Bob got into town yesterday afternoon, and this was one of their favorite brunch spots in Seattle when they lived here. Though Monsoon didn't have their favorite pork belly dish, it did not disappoint. Tyler ate like a champ. Vincent didn't do too bad, either.
After brunch, David and Vincent had a t-ball game. Tyler and I watched a little, but mostly it was me keeping Tyler occupied for an hour. He rode his scooter, took a time-out in the car a couple times, checked out the indoor pool, met up with friend on another field, ate a lollipop, sucked on a chain-linked fence, and took another time-out in the car. Whew!
 Apparently, the hardest t-ball coaching job is managing the dug-out. I saw those kids, I wouldn't want that job.
Vincent's final at-bat. He hit the ball on his first try! Woohoo!

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