Vincent turned 28 months old this week (that's something like, 2 and 1/3 years) . Wow! Time is flying by so quickly. I won't hide it, we are knee deep into the terrible twos with this kid. But, with all the challenges this age brings, he is still such an amazing, fantastic, joy in our lives. My mom-of-a-two-year-old mantra is, "He really is a great kid..."
And, let's see some of the great things about this kid!
Sitting up high on a bar stool without us having to stand right next to him to make sure he doesn't fall (although he did actually fall off last week & was totally fine). And, using a regular cup. He still mostly uses a sippy cup, since it's less of a mess.
Makes a joke by putting a mini bagel in his mouth to look like a big smile.
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