Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Other Hunt Boys

Have I mentioned how cute David and Vincent are together? Well, they are. David has taught Vincent some "chores." And, they have this morning routine that's really delightful.

Chore #1 - vacuuming (REALLY? Is that how it's spelled? That's what spell checker told me). As soon as David says he's going to vacuum, Vincent will run around the living room picking up his toys off the rug (they don't necessarily get put away). It's cute and sad at the same time. He's frantic about it for some reason. He's afraid of the vacuum, but also really enjoys vacuuming with his dad. So, he runs around frantic trying to get all the stuff picked up before the vacuum comes out so he can be picked up by David ASAP. David carries him around the house while he vacuums & Vincent helps him with the the hose attachment.

Chore #2 - cleaning the bathtub before baths. Vincent doesn't really do anything but watch, I think.

Chore #3 - making coffee in the moring. Vincent gets to push the button to grind and brew the coffee. I think he puts a few bean in the hopper, too.

Chore #4 - putting the flatware away. He has a stool that he stands on and has gotten good at putting them in the correct spots.

I think that's it. There are other things here and there that he'll help us do, like feed the cats sometimes, or gardening. Having children is useful!

1 comment:

  1. i'm sooo jealous!! my beatty boys don't know what a chore is!
