Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Story

After reading my friend's blog post about her 26 month old son, I feel I must share a positive story about Vincent.

So, you saw the Easter pictures, and saw that Little Man got many treats. I was floored and so proud of the display of self-control he showed us that day. He kept going back to his little plastic container of treats & eating a little thing here and there that morning. After lunch, he walked over to the container and asked me to open something, to which I said, "Well, let's save that until after naptime." He put it down, showed me another thing and I said the same thing. On his last attempt, he had three little cookies he held up. I allowed him to have one, but said the other two were for later. He tried to get another, but I reminded him that they're for later. So, he put them down and walked away.

Fast forward to naptime...about 45 minutes, maybe an hour, after I thought I got him down & left his room, he opens his door. Totally awake, but willing to get back into bed. He did not have his usual "freshly awake from a nap" look, which tells me he never fell asleep. What was he doing in there? Too sugared out? Too excited about Easter? He continued to open his door for another 20 minutes or so, until we decided to scratch the nap (since he did stay in there quietly for so long). When we asked him, "All done napping?", he happily replied, "Ya!" and ran out of his room and straight for the treats. He picked them up, looked at me for approval before diving into those last two little cookies. That's some good toddler self-control, if you ask me.

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