Tyler is six weeks old today. He
must've known that this morning when he woke up around 2am, as he decided to keep us up for two hours. He didn't want to miss his birth time of 2:28am, I suppose, and was so excited he stayed up past that.
There are all these things you'll hear about newborns when you are a parent. Like, "fussiness peaks at 6 weeks," "spit up peaks at six weeks," "six weeks is the magic number," "it gets easier after six weeks," and so on and so forth. I don't know. Like, what does that mean, exactly? Is it like a bell curve, where it gets harder and harder until the 6 week mark, so that week 5 is really the hardest? Or, does it mean that week 6 is the hard week, and you're just waiting to get to week 7? Of course, these are all approximations, right?
There is a developmental milestone right around now - the social smile. That means baby will smile back at you when you smile at him. So, this week was pretty hard. Tyler's eating and sleeping were wackier than usual. But, yeah, within those wacky days, there were a few "real" smiles here and there. So cute. I don't have a picture yet because they come pretty unexpectedly, and don't last for more than about 30 seconds. They're also usually followed by some fussiness and/or crying. Also, I woke up yesterday morning, looked at Tyler and thought that he looked much bigger. Is it just my imagination? We'll find out on Tuesday just how big this boy is.
One thing I do know for sure, and I'm not being biased at all (wink, wink), Tyler is one heck of a looker! Man, is he delicious!