Monday, May 18, 2015

ACME Farms + Kitchen

I get nothing for endorsing this business, except knowing that if more people buy from them, they are more likely stay in business, which is super helpful to me as a busy mom. So, here I go! I was introduced to ACME Farms + Kitchen by my friend, Hannah. A few months ago. This is the gist of it:

"Today, our Locavore Boxes contain a carefully curated array of fresh, local, seasonal food paired with recipes and a meal plan to turn our region's bounty into dinner for your family. Order online each week and have a beautiful box of local food delivered to your doorstep. You'll cut out trips to the store, save money on your grocery bill, answer the question of "what's for dinner?" and most importantly, support dozens of farmers, fishers, ranchers, and artisan producers throughout our region."

We have tried Blue Apron, which we like and use sometimes. Unlike Blue Apron, AFC is located in Bellingham, WA, which is just a couple hours away from my front door! Their boxes come with way less packaging, because it doesn't need to travel as far or stay cool for as long. They also pick up the re-useable items on their next delivery; boxes, glass jars, ice packs, etc. Nifty!

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