Thursday, August 2, 2012

Four Bus Rides

My inlaws wanted to go for a hike this morning. They were looking into renting a car for one day, then driving themselves to the airport tonight. Unfortunately, it's not cheap. My suggestion to them was to just take our car, and the boys and I will travel by bus. 
So, this morning, we piled into the car, and dropped Vincent off at camp. Then, Don and Alice dropped Tyler and I off at the gym. 
When Tyler and I finished up at camp, we made our way to the first bus stop, where we barely caught the #8. We rode that up to Capitol Hill, and down to Madison Valley, where we got off. Next bus was 10 minutes away. Just enough time to stop into the bakery and get cookies.
We caught the #11, and went down to Madison Park. It dropped us off across the street from Vincent's camp. We had another 10 minutes to catch the next bus, which was actually the same one we just got off of, but in a different location. That bus loops around the back of the neighborhood, and returns to the main road. We hurried Vincent out of camp, and waited at the bus stop.
Next stop, 23rd and Madison. We walked a block over to John St. to catch our 4th and final bus, either number 48 or 43, whichever comes first.
Finally, we made it 24th and McGraw, got off, and walked 2 blocks home. It took a total of 1.5 hours, but was great. Both kids were super good sports about it, and earned themselves bonus stickers for good behavior.

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