I spent a couple of hours today with the 3 gals I went on my yoga retreat with last summer. We all had babies this year, although I was the only one pregnant during that retreat. Two of them have 4 week olds and one has a 3 month old. As we sat talking about different newborn/infant things and about those first few months, I realized that I hardly remember much of what was just a few months ago. So much of it is a blur now. I wrote down much of what was going on, when I had the time, and thank goodness for digital cameras and blogs!
My sister took this one back in August at my cousin's house in L.A. She got so many great close ups of him, I want to frame a few, but just haven't had a chance. I look at this picture and it really makes me think of all the sweetness that is Tyler Hunt.
Tyler's dislikes:
-When either Vincent or I walk out of the room.
-Getting into his carseat.
-Getting his face cleaned.
Tyler's likes:
-Eating. Ramen noodles are a favorite.
-Playing with toys
-Exploring new things
-Our cats
Tyler loves:
-Us. It's so heartwarming to walk into a room and have him beam at the sight of you. He has started to get excited when David comes home from work. He LOVES Vincent. My favorite part about picking Vincent up from preschool is seeing the two boys greet each other by putting their foreheads together.
-Laughing. He's super good at laughing.
-Snuggling. He's a little snuggle bug. I love it.
-Wrecking things that Vincent put together, like the train track.
-Putting things in his mouth...that's a given.
Lastly, some nicknames. I call him Tyler, Ty, Ty Baby, Tyler Baby, Ty Ty, Sweet Pea, Munchkin. David calls him Tyler, Ty, T-man, Ty Ty. Vincent calls him Tyler, Baby Tyler, Di Di, and his favorite thing to call him is Tylie. He came up with that one all on his own.
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