Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday, Vincent!

I can't believe I have a 7 year old kid. Before I talk about what kind of kid Vincent is at this age, let me tell about his day.

First of all, we were all set to have a birthday party for him this afternoon. It was probably going to be his best one yet. We have been planning it for about a month, maybe longer now. Vincent asked to have a Beyblade party, where he and his friends can battle Beyblades. Maybe you recognize these people.

We let Vincent choose 8 friends to invite. We decided we would do it tournament-style, with brackets. We got each kid their own Beyblade, purchased 2 battle arenas, and a Beyblade cake. It was going to be pretty epic. Last night, we showed the kids the stuff we bought, let them each pick out a new Beyblade, and even did a few practice battles. 

We sent the kids off the bed, and were going finish getting ready for the big day, when we heard Tyler coughing badly upstairs. I went to check on him, and found Vincent by his side, trying to calm and help him. Then, he threw up. Ugh. David was also not feeling well yesterday, and Vincent had a cough, too. It was a major bummer, but we decided to postpone the party a couple of weeks. 

Fast forward to today...
Vincent got up around his usual time, and we soon let him open his gifts. He received a new mystery Bey-booster from Japan, and a Bey-locker from me, $7 from his Aunt Tiffany, a science kit from his Uncle Michael and Aunt Naomi, and a skate board with safety gear from David.
Japanese Beyblade
Examining the Beyblade info.
"What? I got a heater?"
"Cool skateboard, Vincent."

Vincent asked for breakfast from McDonald's, so Tyler and I went to the drive-thru and picked stuff up for us all, except Crosby, of course. After breakfast, the boys did some battling, then Crosby took a nap. I let the boys watch an episode of Beyblades and an episode of Rescue Bots. Then, Vincent picked "Super Buddies" to watch. After some lunch, I took him to the mall to pick up his cake, and let him do a little shopping with his birthday money. Guess what he picked out? Another Beyblade. I kept trying to convince him to see what he gets for Christmas, but finally came to my senses that it's his birthday. It's his money. He can choose what he wants. Unfortunately, the place where we got it from was overpriced, but it's a local small business.

When we got home, he tested out his new toy with Tyler, then it was time for his birthday dinner choice: Pagliacci pizza. Oh, we did a little FaceTime with his grandparents, too. After pizza was cake. After cake, all the boys got bathed. We ended the day by watching a DVD of old family videos from David's childhood, which cracked the boys up a bunch.

Fingers crossed for a healthier family tomorrow. 

And, now, a little about our 7 year old, Vincent. Vincent is:
-Curious. He asks tons of questions about all sorts of stuff. But, what he really likes to ask is, "What if...(insert random, weird, makes little sense scenario)?"
-Kind. Most of the time. 
-Sensitive. In good ways, and not so good ways.
-A reader. Yup. About a couple of months ago, he suddenly seemed to turn a corner. Sort of out of the blue. He still struggles, as expected, since he's only in 1st grade, but he's definitely reading. He needs tons of encouragement and reassurance, as he thinks he can't really read. Um, yes, boy, you can.
-Decent at math. This seems to be his strength. What is challenging in this subject are the word problems, but he's coming along. As far as the basic arithmetic part, he's pretty good.

-A good buddy with Enzo from school, and our Tyler. He loves to play with Tyler at home, even if they bicker.
-Into Beyblades, Skylanders, Legos, & Star Wars.
-A really good big brother to his baby brother, Crosby.
-Compassionate. Most of the time.
-Soon to be joining the black belt training program at his karate dojo. 
-Spirited, sweet, smart, funny, silly, outgoing, friendly, good looking, fun, loving, caring, hot headed, patient, impatient, and wonderful.

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