Saturday, December 21, 2013

For Crosby

Dear Crosby,
Today, you turned a little corner in your development. Just a little, but it's still a big deal to us. For the past 2-3 months, you have been very content to sit and play, or watch your brothers play. You have always enjoyed standing, with us holding you on our laps, too. Gradually, you have been showing less interest in sitting and more in standing. This week, however, you have especially showed preference for standing up. You make your legs very stiff when we try to sit you down, and sometimes complain once someone gets you into a sitting position.

The little corner you turned today was when you were sitting, you leaned forward and was able to keep yourself up better than you had in the past. In addition, tonight, when we were all down in the basement getting ready for Vincent's Beyblade party tomorrow, I stood you up next to the train table to see if you liked it. You did. When I sat you back down, since you were losing balance, you grabbed on to the side of the table, and started to work on pulling yourself up. Two times you were able to get yourself into a standing position on your own! You didn't stay up long, and the second time you actually fell over and got a little hurt, but you did it! When you got hurt, it looked like you might have bumped your eye. I put a cold pack on you for the first time, and that was a confusing experience for you. You did let me hold it against your eye for a while, but you really wanted to hold the cold pack and put it in your mouth.

Seeing you make this little advancement tonight was bittersweet. Although I am happy to have you stay put in one place, and I want to keep you little forever, it is still so fun to watch you grow and learn.

I love you, my sweet boy.

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