Monday, September 23, 2013

Edge of Insanity

We have been juggling activities for the kids for some time now. Recently, we added soccer to the mix. Practices are on the same days as karate lessons, and games on the same day as Chinese school. We have one car. I have childcare help 2 afternoons a week...on the days we don't have either of those activities. 

I thought I had it somewhat figured out, until I made the mistake of watching Vincent during his karate class last week. He looked bored, and seemed a bit lost. I spoke to his teacher, and he convinced me that Vincent needs to go back to going 2 days a week. 

Let me back track. In order to make all this work, we have made a compromise. Soccer and karate are both 2 days a week. We could do karate on two other days, but the times are much later, and I didn't want to cut into dinnertime. The compromise is that Vincent only goes to karate one of those days, and soccer the other day. Tyler gets to stay with karate two days a week. 

This is what my Monday afternoons look like:
2:50pm - pick up Vincent from school
3pm-3:30pm - snacks 
3:30pm - dress for karate, head out the door
4pm-4:30pm - Tyler's karate class
5pm-6pm - Vincent's soccer practice

Today, I tried to add Vincent's second day of karate into the mix from 4:30pm-5pm. Bad, bad idea. I figured I was already at karate so what would be the big deal staying an extra half hour and then, rush to soccer. The problem is all the changing of clothing! I missed that little detail. And, the rushing around was pretty bad. 

So, when we got into the car for soccer and Vincent asked where his water bottle was, and I realized I didn't pack it, I gave him the choice: go to soccer, but be thirsty, or go home and have water. He chose to go home. Funny thing is, I'm not entirely sure he actually drank any water when he got home. I didn't pay attention, as I was trying to sort out what was going on with kid #3, as he was acting tired, but not wanting to fall asleep for a nap, and kept wiggling around while I tried to rock him.

David walked in the house, and I did one of those things to him that I absolutely hate, and always try not to do. I broke down. "This is too much for me"..."It's not fair to any of us"..."I don't like being so stressed out"..."Something's gotta give, and it seems like, so far, it's my sanity!"...Oh, poor, poor husband.

We've come up with a new plan. It will go into effect next week. Vincent will take a break from karate until soccer is over. It'll just be about a month. Tyler can't get punished for it, so we will move karate and soccer to different days of the week. This allows Vincent to do 2 days of soccer practice now, and we should still be able to have dinner as a family everyday of the week. I'll keep you posted.

Ooh, but how about soccer pictures?!!
 First game of the season.

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