Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleep, Sweaters, Shaving

David and I have said that if there was anything good worth mentioning to others about our kids, it's best not to, because inevitably, the moment you utter the words, things change. We all know that's not true (even if it seems like it).

So, I will dare share with the world that Tyler slept through the night last night, from about 8:15pm until 5:30am. Woohoo! I definitely don't think this will be a trend, hence my bravery for speaking up about it. I wanted to post about it because the funny thing is that our cat, Stella, was in the room with him the whole night. We thought that maybe she was in there because we heard some funny sounds on the baby monitor, so David went to check. He did not see her. I suspected that she might be in there because she usually comes to sit on our laps in the evening, but last night she didn't. David was sure that she wasn't in there. Either way, I figured that if she was and she woke Tyler in the night, it wouldn't really matter because he would wake up anyway. They both surprised us! It was great that he slept so long, but he did wake up an hour earlier than usual...wide awake. But, I can't complain because I, too, slept through the night.

Now, some pictures!

Matching outfits! At Target, I found kids shaving kits on sale for like 2 bucks. Vincent picked out Transformers, over Lightning McQueen and Thomas. He asked me what this kit was about, and I told him it's to get rid of "whiskers," as he likes to call David's stubly face. He was so excited to try it out, but I told him he needed to wait until Daddy got home. He said, "I gotta shave those whiskers!" Soon as David walked in the door, Vincent went running upstairs to get the kit.
Here he is shaving.

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