Cute thing #1 - "Aaarrrgghhhh." He says this in sort of a piratey, drawn out way when he is feeling happy, and I think a little sassy.
Cute thing #2 - If he is sitting on his bottom and something makes him happy, he does this sort of "happy dance" where he uses his legs to spin around on his bottom. Sometimes he will add in a little squeal.
Cute thing #3 - Self-feeding. So cute. In the photo above, I decided to try letting Tyler sit at Vincent's little table with him while the two had a snack. To my surprise, he sat there and did great! Luckily, the chairs we have are plastic armchairs, which help keep him contained.
Okay, I only have 3 right now, but pretty much everything he does is cute.
Oh, one more! #4 - Climbing up the stairs.
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