1) The box - it came from Costco. It's the one I mentioned yesterday that I reused. After it came home with us the first time, it became a tunnel for Vincent's cars and trains to go through. It also became a nice, dark napping spot for Stella. Then, some time ago, it became a car. Yesterday, it was the engine of a short train. Today, it is a sled. As you can see, it's not all the way up on the floor, but halfway hanging off, waiting for Vincent to tip it forward and slide down the two steps into our living room.
2) The yellow and the blue strings - they are attached to a "Happy Birthday" balloon floating above. The balloon was Vincent's "crane" that helped him lift the box up to the top of the steps.
3) The thing on Vincent's head - it is his birthday crown that he got to wear in class today as they did a mini early celebration for him and his classmate, Liam's, birthdays. It says his name on it, and it has a snowman on top. The snowman indicates that this is a cold time of year, and near the holidays.
4) The happy boy - super excited to be playing this little game, and a little bit amp'd up on sugar from the treats at school and the treat he got for having just pooped in the toilet. AND, it is rare that we can get this kid to pose and smile so well for pictures anymore these days, so this is extra special!
FYI, I did not mean for Vincent to look like an elf in this picture.
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