-Vincent started a preschool summer camp this week. It's only 2 days a week, and he's only going a total of 8 days all summer. BUT, it's the first time I've dropped him off at a preschool. He did really well overall, but when we got home, he wasn't so nice to me. I hear that can happen for some kids. I guess some of the other kids can use the potty, or are toilet training, and since then, he's been really interested in the potty.
-Vincent can ride a tricycle! We have a video, but it's just too much for me to post right now, sorry.
-I have some pictures, but they're all of Tyler. Here he is in the exercauser. He's getting more into it, and sometimes will do a little bouncing. When he does, it seems to surprise him a little.

Tyler is a huge giggler. Not only does he giggle when tickled, but he giggles at just about anything else. Maybe I'm exaggerating. He loves to look at Vincent and giggle, too.

This week, Tyler figured out how to grab his feet. That makes him giggle, too.

And, lastly, Tyler has been really interested in food. He seems to complain at the dinner table when we are all eating and he's not. He watches us with lots of interest. So, I decided to make some brown rice porridge tonight. We tried giving him a little bit, and he was totally into it. He smiled & practically grabbed the spoon to shove into his mouth. We weren't planning on starting food for him this soon, but it seems he's ready.
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