Friday, June 14, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten

Our big boy, finishing up his first year of elementary school. Crazy. They had a field day down at the nearby park. Vincent said it was tons of fun. There were several different stations set up with activities for them. Vincent's favorite was spraying water at the 5th graders!

Here he is getting ready to go to school this morning. (He's slouching)

Tyler, Crosby and I went to Pro Club this morning. Then, I took the boys downtown to Nordstrom for lunch. It took a very long time, and soon, I found myself pressed for time. We were 10 minutes late to pick Vincent up from school, which let out an hour early. Oops! He was fine with it, though.

This afternoon, Vincent, Crosby and I hung out a little bit. Crosby was airing out of his diaper, and then peed on me! Vincent and I were both taking pictures of Crosby.
We also tried out the Exersaucer on him. He didn't seem to know what to think of it.
After dinner, we took the boys to the nearby market to pick out ice cream for dessert, as a way to celebrate Vincent's last day of school, and the start of summer vacation!

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