Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day - Skylanders

David has been wanting to get Vincent this game called Skylanders. Vincent first played it at a friend's house, and has been off and on talking about it ever since. We saw the game at Best Buy one day, and it does seem pretty cool. So, David said he wanted to get it for Vincent as an end-of-the-year gift. I said, "No." My reason is that Vincent will then say it is his, and will be possessive of it, and it'll be too much of a hassle with sharing with Tyler, etc. Instead, I purchased it as a gift for David for Father's Day, and he is sharing with the kids. 

This morning, we were planning on going to breakfast, but David wanted to sleep in. I took the boys to QFC and picked up donuts for us. I then went to Fuel and got David a latte. We came home, ate breakfast, then gave David his gifts. He made out great this year! Skylanders Giants game, two pairs of shoes, a new hat, and a t-shirt. 

I took the boys to swimming lessons so he could stay home with Crosby, then we went to our friends' restaurant to celebrate their new space opening.

 Little Uncle Pioneer Square
While all the other kids were giggling and playing with each other, Tyler happily sat down and had some delicious food with Daddy.

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