Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stationery Card

Typewriter Monogram Boy Birth Announcement
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day - Skylanders

David has been wanting to get Vincent this game called Skylanders. Vincent first played it at a friend's house, and has been off and on talking about it ever since. We saw the game at Best Buy one day, and it does seem pretty cool. So, David said he wanted to get it for Vincent as an end-of-the-year gift. I said, "No." My reason is that Vincent will then say it is his, and will be possessive of it, and it'll be too much of a hassle with sharing with Tyler, etc. Instead, I purchased it as a gift for David for Father's Day, and he is sharing with the kids. 

This morning, we were planning on going to breakfast, but David wanted to sleep in. I took the boys to QFC and picked up donuts for us. I then went to Fuel and got David a latte. We came home, ate breakfast, then gave David his gifts. He made out great this year! Skylanders Giants game, two pairs of shoes, a new hat, and a t-shirt. 

I took the boys to swimming lessons so he could stay home with Crosby, then we went to our friends' restaurant to celebrate their new space opening.

 Little Uncle Pioneer Square
While all the other kids were giggling and playing with each other, Tyler happily sat down and had some delicious food with Daddy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten

Our big boy, finishing up his first year of elementary school. Crazy. They had a field day down at the nearby park. Vincent said it was tons of fun. There were several different stations set up with activities for them. Vincent's favorite was spraying water at the 5th graders!

Here he is getting ready to go to school this morning. (He's slouching)

Tyler, Crosby and I went to Pro Club this morning. Then, I took the boys downtown to Nordstrom for lunch. It took a very long time, and soon, I found myself pressed for time. We were 10 minutes late to pick Vincent up from school, which let out an hour early. Oops! He was fine with it, though.

This afternoon, Vincent, Crosby and I hung out a little bit. Crosby was airing out of his diaper, and then peed on me! Vincent and I were both taking pictures of Crosby.
We also tried out the Exersaucer on him. He didn't seem to know what to think of it.
After dinner, we took the boys to the nearby market to pick out ice cream for dessert, as a way to celebrate Vincent's last day of school, and the start of summer vacation!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I had this idea to take Crosby to Costco today. I figured I've done it with a baby before, so why not again. While driving there, he cried, and cried. He was hungry, and mad. 

When we got there, it was cold, windy, and threatening to rain. I fed him in the parking lot. I was going to abandon ship, thinking it would really suck if it rained while I tried to get everything back in the car. So, I got some gas, and a car wash. By the time we got out of the wash, the sun was out! We shopped after all. 
I forgot to make space in the back for our stuff. I had stuff on car seats...
And, later on, two kids fell asleep in the car. Cute, but I had to carry Tyler up to stories. The boy is getting heavy!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


we had plans to go to costco this morning, but got a last minute invite to brunch that we really wanted to attend, so we switched gears...
1. Took the boys to McD's for breakfast
2. Shopping at QFC
3. Pit stop at home to drop off groceries, feed baby, etc.
4. Brunch
5. I stayed w/Cros, but David took older boys to swim, then came back for us.
6. Another stop at home to recharge.
7. BBQ at the Hildebrandts

Whew! we are home now, and our littlest is pretty tired. Ty should be tired, but he's not sleeping, yet. Possibly over tired?? Go The *@#! To Bed!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chinese School and Ducks

Vincent is officially done with Chinese school for this year. He was happy. His year average was 89.3%. Not bad for having a non-Mandarin speaking dad and an illiterate mom, who barely speaks Mandarin. We gave him a $20 prize budget at Target and took the boys out to lunch at Genki Sushi.
 So proud of you, Vincent!
After we got home, all of us, except Vincent took a nap. Then, I made a big dinner of roasted chicken wings, and various frozen potato products, and salad. We then went on a family walk to the arboretum to feed the ducks. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

jamjuree and carnival

my first restaurant outing with Tyler and Crosby on my own, at Jamjuree Thai. love that place. they were so kind and helpful. delicious, too.
took the boys to vincent's school's annual carnival. vincent broke a wooden board, but tyler wasn't quite there, yet.
after some blue cotton candy, there was some popcorn, then a snow cone. no wonder he wasn't hungry for a burger after all that.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our Busy Weekend

Friday night: EAT REAL FOOD and ART WALK at Vincent's school. We got there right at the start to be sure to get food. The boys dressed up in costumes, because Vincent was under the impression that you can dress up as someone in a book. They were the only ones dressed up, and in long sleeves, and it was a warm evening. Ha! They had a great time, though. But, the lines for food were long, and the salmon sandwich was spicy (David and I had those), so we took them back home, fed them there, and came back to the event. Nice to live so close to the school! I bribed them to leave by getting them each a cupcake to have as dessert at home.
Saturday: 1) 9am, took Vincent to Chinese school, where he had his final exam. 2) 11am, Vincent's first piano (un)recital. He volunteered, and was one of the first to play. I felt so proud.
Tyler really wanted to get in the picture with Vincent and his teacher.
3) 6pm, karate belt promotion. Vincent was getting his camo belt, which not many children get. It means he has been a "Little Dragon" from start to finish. It's essentially like getting a black belt in his level, but not really. It was perfect timing, too, as he is now old enough to go into the Juniors class. Some kids get moved to Juniors before they receive their camo belt because of their age, and never get the chance to earn that belt. So, this is super special for Vincent. He has been anticipating it. Tyler had his first promotion, from white belt to yellow. David is now an advance purple belt.

Sunday (today): All we did was go to a friend's 40th birthday party, but we were there for several hours, and the boys had a blast with their friends. The property is large, and has some wooded areas in the back with a tiny trail they carved out, so they had fun running around out there. Crosby did well, too. I avoided dairy as much as I could, but when it was time for cake, I didn't ask questions, and ate myself a piece. YUM.