Today, Crosby is 7 weeks old. He had his 6-8 week check up yesterday. His stats:
Weight - 12 pounds, 6 ounces (90%)
Height - 23 inches (75%)
Head - I can't remember, and I don't have his sheet in front of me, but it's (50%)
Well, yes, he's a big one. But, I'm relieved to know he's proportioned. It makes sense he's heavy, as he's pretty tall, too.
To the question about his massive amounts of spit up, which I personally think it's has to do with my dairy intake, his doctor said it's because he's over-feeding. He said that this is based on the fact that he's so big. I guess, that's possible. My job now is to make sure he gets just enough to eat. Some babies will apparently keep eating, more than their body needs.
So, I'm staying off dairy for a week, and going to do my best not to overfeed him (easier said than done, cuz I don't want to starve him), and see how things go. No cream in my coffee, no cream cheese on my bagel. There's dairy in a lot of stuff, those yummy looking potato chips I just bought. Next week, I'll try them out. Cheese has been a big source of my fat and protein intake lately. Guess it's gotta just be peanut butter.
Stay tuned...