Thursday, April 25, 2013

Two Weeks

Crosby is 2 weeks old today! He's growing super fast. A little too fast for his mommy, but it's good he's so healthy.

I remember when Vincent was born, those first 2 weeks felt like an eternity. It didn't feel like that when Tyler was born. Now, with Crosby, these last two weeks also feel like a long time. I wonder why that is.

It's hard to believe he's only been with us such a short time. It's almost hard to imagine what it was like without him. In a way, he's been with us the last 9 months.

So, how is life with 3 kids? The older boys continue to be as high energy as ever. The two of them are totally brothers. They love and hate each other. They both also seem to love Crosby, but we don't let them get near him very much. There's been a cold passed between V and T, and several cases of strep throat in Vincent's class. So, for now, we limit contact with Crosby. They did both get to hold him one night.

Honestly, 3 kids feels good so far. Of course, I say this while I have an army of help right now. Ma's been here since last Monday, and Ba arrived Tuesday night. David's also been home the last two weeks. So, I don't know how to juggle three, yet. One night, Crosby and I put the big boys to bed together. That went alright. We'll have a few days in between sets of grandparents on our own, so that'll give us a chance to juggle a little, but the real challenge comes May 20th, when they're all gone and David goes back to work.

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