Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Pool

Upon hearing about the rainy forecast for this weekend, I decided yesterday that I would take the boys to the indoor pool up north today. David had plans in the morning, so we dropped him off first, then headed over. We got there early, as I planned, so that we could make sure we get in. This place fills up fast, and if you don't get their early enough, you don't get in. I'll be damned if I drive all the way there to be turned away. It's happened in the past. Not fun.

We made it with plenty of time, and paid a little extra to play in their indoor playground. The kids loved the water. It's a bit crowded in there, and you have to be within arms reach of your kids if they're under 7 years old. Since I abide by rules, I kept close to both, which is pretty hard to do. Luckily, both are tall enough now to comfortably reach the bottom of the pool. 

I got them out of the pool a few minutes before the session ended, to ensure we get a spot in the showers. I felt pretty proud of getting them showered and dressed, and then myself changed, in a reasonable amount of time. Then, I sat them down for a snack, while I bought popcorn and milk for them. Coffee for myself, too.

Tyler was still hungry when we left, so I let him get a cheeseburger at MD's. Vincent opted for chicken bites. As we got close to home, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Vincent with his eyes closed. He looked like he was pretending to sleep. Tyler was awake, but starting to drift off. Ty was trying so hard to stay awake and finish eating, while Vincent, eyes still closed, snuck a piece of chicken in his mouth. I caught him and called him out on it. He smiled, eyes still closed, and kept chewing.

Unfortunately, when we got home, while I was putting our wet stuff in the wash, I realized that I had left the boys' swim clothes in the shower room at the pool. Doh!

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