My mom came to visit for a week. It was great. During her visit, we took the boys the wading pool, as well as various other outings, including farmers' markets, and playdates with other Mandarin speaking friends.
While A-ma was here, David and I took Vincent to a Mariner's game. My first one since having children, and Vincent's first taste of cotton candy.
A train ride in Griffith Park.
First pony ride for both boys!
I took the boys to the beach, and found this great spot for wading. Vincent got in so far!
After the beach, Tyler enjoyed his first In N Out milkshake. Both boys LOVED it...the food, too! In fact, the second time Vincent went a few days later, he was happy to eat a second dinner, and he said, "These are my favorite fries!"
We went to the nearby mall a couple of times to ride the coin operated rides. Vincent remembered them from our last trip to L.A. and kept asking to go.
This is an important picture...What do you see? Two major developments in the Hunt family: 1)Tyler finally let David carry him on his shoulders, and 2) Vincent upgraded to a Razor scooter.
We had a family pool party at my cousin's house to celebrate both his and my birthdays in July.
Vincent let us put a beetle in his hand. He gave it back, then decided he wanted it again, but then it flew away. It was a fun surprise.

Then, A-ma and I flew the kids down to L.A. for a week. Here are the highlights:
A train ride in Griffith Park.
And, back in Seattle...The boys are growing so fast. We're spending lots of time a playgrounds. Tyler is learning to climb a chain ladder
Vincent can do the zip-line by himself.
And, he spent two weeks at summer camp, which seems to have built his overall playground confidence, like going down this twirly thing.
We got to see our friends' amazing backyard garden with beautiful sunflowers.

There have been many more fun summer memories, and I'm sure there will be more before Labor Day. We'll keep you posted!
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