Last week, while watching Dinosaur Train on PBS Kids, Vincent learned about hermit crabs. Henry, the hermit crab, to be exact. He really wanted to see one in person, so we met up with Julia at the Seattle Aquarium. Here he is pictured with Henry, as he called him. He was very interested in the hermit crab, but did not want to touch it.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Oh! Forgot about these!
Last week, while watching Dinosaur Train on PBS Kids, Vincent learned about hermit crabs. Henry, the hermit crab, to be exact. He really wanted to see one in person, so we met up with Julia at the Seattle Aquarium. Here he is pictured with Henry, as he called him. He was very interested in the hermit crab, but did not want to touch it.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I don't think I would ever get my boys to do something like this. Maybe instead of a girl, one day I'll have a designated craft area, where I can be as girly as I want to be, away from cars, trucks, trains, monsters, robots, and all things boy, except, of course, my own boys. Although, David did just recently agree that I could decorate our room like this:
Monday, March 22, 2010
3 1/4
-Can count from 1-20 in English and Mandarin. I honestly don't know if he can count further in Engligh or not, but I suspect that he may. He can also count 10-1 (backwards). Usually proceeding, "Ignition! Blast off!"
-Almost pottytrained. Still has accidents from time to time, usually because something is different, like he's getting a cold. Does wear a diaper for naps and bedtime.
-Loves preschool.
-Still loves music. He's a good singer and can get lyrics to songs pretty well. When I sing to him at night, sometimes he will sing with me.
-Enjoys dancing & has a bit of groove in him.
-Is learning about saying prayers.
-Will sometimes say "sorry" when he has done something he shouldn't have without having to be prompted, and sounds like he's truly sorry.
-Is imaginative. Vincent loves to pretend to be someone else. He changes his character often, and when he does, the whole family changes with him. It's hard to keep up with who he is at any given time, and when someone does not call him by the correct name of the moment, he gets very hurt & sad. Characters include Lightning McQueen, Kai Lan, Bob the Builder, Wallace (& Grommit), just to name a few.
-Has two chores; feeding the cats 2 times a day (if he remembers; otherwise, we do it) & taking his dishes to the counter or sink when he is done eating at each meal.
-Is starting to draw & color, rather than just scribble. He can do circles (sort of) & he is able to color specific items on a page, even if he goes outside the lines.
-Still loves books. He will sit and look at them on his own, but enjoys being read to.
-Claims to love his brother, though he doesn't always act like it.
-Has so much energy sometimes, it so hard to keep up with him. When he's happy or excited, he tends to get crazy wild (and a little clumsy). Somedays I feel like the story, Where The Wild Things Are, was written about him.
-But, with all his wildness, Vincent is incredibly sweet, loving, and caring. He tells us all the time that he loves us. When one of us goes away, even just leaving his room at bedtime, he says, "I'm going to miss you. I'm going to think about you." Sometimes when he hears a crashing noise coming from the kitchen & he's in another room, he'll run in and ask whoever is in the kitchen if they're okay. He loves to give us kisses, and will give me gentle ones when we're snuggling up. Speaking of snuggling, he's a super snuggler, always has been. And, every so often, he will try to stroke my hair very softly.
I feel like I could go on and on about our big boy. Not all is shiney & happy all the time, but we feel so blessed to have such a wonderful kid (two of them, actually!).
Our Weekend & Anti What????
It all started on Friday morning. I took the boys to the gym, where they play a the daycare there & I do light exercise. After the gym, we went to meet our friends Kari & Sasha at Vios for lunch (more playing). They took a shorter-than-usual nap that afternoon. We headed over to JMs for dinner, where David met us later. More playing. Head home past their bedtimes...Konk out.
Saturday morning was beautiful. We decided to take the boys to the Japanese Garden in the arboretum. In 7.5 years, that was my first visit. I forgot to take pictures, even though a bunch of people were shootin' up a storm. My attention was on making sure Vincent didn't fall into the water. Next stop was to pick up our meat order from Thundering Hooves. The house we picked up from is close to the cheap pizza-by-the-slice place we like & a nice playground, so that's where we headed once we got our goods. Little impromptu picnic in the park.
I love to watch my boys play, even if they aren't actually playing together. This play ground has a big sandbox.
We let Vincent skip his nap. He stayed up watching "Ponyo" & loved every moment of it. When Tyler woke from his nap, in a much better mood, we decided to eat dinner out. I had a coupon for BOGO-free from Tutta Bella Pizza...yum. Even better, a street car stop is across the street from it. We took the boys for a ride on the street car before dinner & got to the restaurant in time to beat the crowd. While at dinner, I made myself seem like the worlds biggest Cheap-O. Not only did I come with a coupon, I questioned the server on why she would want to charge us for 3 individual scoops of ice cream instead of the 3 scoops (they charge by 1, 2, or 3 scoops) because we needed our 3 scoops split up. We would've got them all in one bowl & shared that way, but I knew Vincent would want to pick his own flavor & have it in his own bowl. I wanted a nutty flavor, which Tyler can't have. So, that meant we needed to have our 3 scoops split up. I completely understand that I was being difficult, but do you get what I mean? In the end, I apologized to the server for my cheapness & told her to charge us whatever she needs to, and she did it my way, even though she's not supposed to.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Nice Sunday
Of course, Vincent ate all the icing off the top of his donut and was done. Oh, wait, he made sure to scrape the chocolate out of the middle with his finger, too.
After breakfast & a brief nap for Tyler, we took the boys to the playground. It was sunny & slightly warm. We had a small lunch on a picnic table.
Before heading home, we stopped at an open house that one of our old neighbors was putting on. I sure do miss her. I hope the new owners of our house will enjoy our neighbors as much as we did.
While the kids were napping this afternoon (well, Tyler) some guy fell in front of our kitchen door. Then, he got up and walked away with a pair of David's shoes. Our (new) neighbor had seen him lurking around the outside of our house & called the police. He was definitely drunk, stunk of cigarette smoke, and probably high on something. She told him to drop the shoes, which he did, and he stumbled off down the street. Weird.
Dinner tonight was lamb burgers. I made them, David cooked them. Yum.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What Have We Been Up To?
There was one day when Vincent didn't have school, so I took the boys to Miller Community Center. It had been a long time since Vincent was last there. I was really impressed with how well he played there and took turns with the smaller children. Tyler loved the lawn mower. It was one of Vincent's favorites once upon a time, too. He was still crawling the last time I took him, so it was fun to see Tyler able to stand up and push the mower. He was so pleased with himself.
*Vincent has been scared of the slide at REI since as long as we have been taking him there. Once, maybe twice, he has gotten daring and gone down, but quickly realized it was not for him. I've even gone down with him & it was still too scary. But, last week when we were there, things changed. He was up in the tree house with a slightly bigger boy, who was not going down the slide, either. A little girl who Vincent was flirting with came up the tree & asked the boys why they weren't sliding. The bigger boy said because he was a little afraid, and Vincent just stood there. She shrugged & then went down the slide. That did it for Vincent. He followed her down & found out that it was SUPER fun! This week, when we went back there, he happily said to me in the parking garage on the way in, "I'm going to go down the slide & I'm not going to be scared!"
*I scored on some used Geotrax stuff this week to add on to the small set we already had. David said to me, "I feel like I got the train set I've been wanting for the boys." Ahhh, what a compliment.
*I've been trying to work on meal planning for us & trying to save on our grocery bill. I'm not sure I'm doing a good job. The problem is that I suck at keeping track of the savings & of getting motivated to cook. Yes, I know, my cooking background, etc...I'm working on it, though. To hear about some of the meals I've made recently, visit my food blog -
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday, Tyler!
View all the photos from our trip at