With all the talking, though, comes yelling. We are constantly reminding him to speak to us politely when he wants something. His favorite thing to say is, "I want (insert what he wants) RIGHT NOW!"
Vincent's relationship with David seems to grow stronger each day. He is quite attached to his Daddy. It's so sweet and cute. I must admit that there is some sadness for me that he is not as attached to me anymore. But, I think it goes in phases, and right now, he's all about David.
Potty training has taken a back seat, once again. With our recent move and preschool starting, we just don't want to put too much pressure on him. One day he'll learn for good, I'm sure.
He has recently been into his train set again. For his 2nd birthday and Christmas, he received a bunch of trains and tracks, but wasn't as into them as we thought he would be. In the last month or so, they're a hit again. I found this train engineer had at Gymboree the other day. He was thrilled about the hat, and glad to pose for pictures with it on.
There is so much I can say about Vincent. He is truly such an amazing guy. But, the last thing I want to share about Vincey at this age is his request for stories. We've been making up bedtime stories for him. It all started with me telling him the story of how we ended up in our new house. Then, he overheard David talking to PopPop on the phone about their Mt. Whitney climb and has been asking to hear that story. Tonight, I told him about Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, only in my version. And, Prince Charming is Prince Vincent. He got a kick out of that.
*September 28 - Tyler turned 7 months old. At this age, he has two little bottom, middle teeth that want to come out, but are taking their sweet time. You can't see them unless you pry his mouth open and force his tongue to the side (Hey, I'm his mom, I can do that!). I can feel them & they are definitely through the gum line.
Tyler officially can sit up on his own. Occasionally, he will still topple over, but it's a pretty soft landing.
Tyler has started to work on his "commando" crawl. Vincent actually started to do it right around the exact same age. It's exciting, but also makes me nervous. Yesterday, we saw him making a bee-line to the cat food.
Speaking of food, he's been doing well with solid foods. He began to show interest in food much earlier than Vincent did. It's been fun. So far, he has had (and isn't allergic to) carrots, apples, pears, blueberries, prunes, sweet potatoes, green beans, beets, yogurt, rice crackers, chicken, kale, beet greens, garlic & onions (we added to stuff), and pork. It also seems that he is not allergic to wheat. He has had pizza crust, & soft pretzel, which he loves. Here he is noshing on one at the farmers' market. 
With all this eating of food, his interest in nursing has become less and less (except in the middle of the night). It actually makes me pretty sad. We had such a hard time with nursing those first 4 months (even harder than with Vincent), & I remember thinking I would be happy to make it to just 6 months. Now, we've passed 6 months, and things are going well. I have a feeling that he will self-ween sooner than later. But, we'll see. Yesterday, I was nursing him before bedtime, and it was just so sweet to cuddle up close to him. I love kissing his little feet and hands. I also like to smell his feet, which usually smell like baby skin, but once in a while, it they do smell like, well, feet. Baby feet, at least, not man feet. Much different.
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