Tyler playing in the sandbox made out of an old boat.
Vincent going down the giant slide.
Vincent climbing up to the top of the pirate ship lookout and back down all by himself.
Afterwards, we went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger. Yeah, if you sign up for their "club" they send you a free burger coupon each year for your birthday. I didn't go for anything too fancy, just a bacon cheddar burger. When I gave our server the coupon, she asked me if I wanted a birthday sundae and for them to sing me a song in addition. Corny, but it did actually make me feel pretty special. Don't worry, though, you didn't miss my birthday. It's not 'til Wednesday. You still have time!
Vincent celebrated by having two drinks at one time.
Tyler celebrated by devouring all his mac n cheese, and then some of Vincent's. When it was all gone, he did this to show he was done.
After naptime, we got ready for our dinner guests, Tom & his brother, Brian. We grilled brats, had a salad, and ate potato chips. After dinner, Vincent was passing out (ink) stamps on everyone's hands. When Tom asked if he could have a "tatoo" too, Vincent responded with, "This is not a tatoo. I have Lightning McQueen tatooes upstairs." I had no idea what he was talking about. Tom asked if he could see them, so Vincent went running upstairs. He returned with a box of Valentine's cards that included tatooes. I couldn't believe he remembered those things! All the guys got a tatoo, and posed for a picture.
After naptime, we got ready for our dinner guests, Tom & his brother, Brian. We grilled brats, had a salad, and ate potato chips. After dinner, Vincent was passing out (ink) stamps on everyone's hands. When Tom asked if he could have a "tatoo" too, Vincent responded with, "This is not a tatoo. I have Lightning McQueen tatooes upstairs." I had no idea what he was talking about. Tom asked if he could see them, so Vincent went running upstairs. He returned with a box of Valentine's cards that included tatooes. I couldn't believe he remembered those things! All the guys got a tatoo, and posed for a picture.