Friends, Alex, Steve, Linus, and Travers joined us at Miller Community Center for their annual Easter egg hunt. Very small turn out this year, as it was wet out, so TONS of eggs to find. Vincent mostly understood the concept, although he kept trying to open each egg as he grabbed them, rather than putting it in his basket. If the kids find a "golden ticket" they get to trade it in for a bigger prize. Vincent had one, but ended up throwing the egg across the room, and we couldn't find it again. Linus ended up with 2 of the, and gave one to Vincent. So sweet.
I finally got David to try out the Moby Wrap. He looks like a natural!
In the evening, we went to Brooke's house to enjoy crab gumbo and baked salmon, brought down from Whidbey Island by her friend, Robert. Vincent played his first video game on the Nintendo Wii. 
I got a picture of all my Hunt Boys just before bedtime. Unfortunately, Tyler seems to be the only one not into the idea of them all squeezing into that rocking chair together.