Our little TyTy had a big week!
First of all, he started t-ball on Wednesday!
Then, he had his preschool end-of-the-year picnic, where the "graduating" kids were recognized with little paper caps and certificates.
And, finally, his last day of school was today. So bittersweet. I took him out for a treat, his choice. He chose to have a donut.
Look at these pictures. One from today, and one from April 2011.

We ended our evening with the annual Montlake Elementary carnival down at the community center. Vincent has made himself a few new friends this year. He seems to be pretty tight with them. They found each other at the carnival and got all excited. Or, at least, he seemed excited to see them. I think they were, too. Twice tonight, I overheard 2 different friends call Vincent by some nickname he's been telling us about this year. I didn't realize it was kind of a normal thing. "Vicer," or something like that.
Here they are, putting disappearing ink into their water pistols. Sigh. Even the girls were getting into this, so I can't just say, "oh boys..."