I cannot believe that my little baby, Crosby, is a year old. It's amazing how fast this past year went. Amazing.
My mom came to visit us, kind of last minute, to help celebrate the occasion. Most of his day was pretty typical. His brothers went to school, and my mom and I hung out with him. After Tyler came home from school, I blew some bubbles for the boys to play with. They loved it.

After Vincent came home, Mom stayed home with Crosby, and I dragged the two older boys all over U Village to pick up stuff for Crosby's birthday celebration. They were really good sports about it.
We stopped at Din Tai Fung to order dinner, then QFC to get Crosby a balloon, Bartell Drug store to let them look for Lego mystery packs (sadly, they were all gone), Trophy to pick up cupcakes, and back to Din Tai Fung to get our food.
Here are the photo highlights.
Crosby with his first balloon. |
Eating his Din Tai Fung "long life" noodles. |
Of the items we put around him, Crosby chose the abacus. Looks like we have a future business on our hands. |
Vanilla, vanilla cupcake, with just a little bit of sugar sprinkles. |
Oh yes, baby liked his cake. |
A-ma and her grandsons. |
All his presents were opened, with help from his big bros. | | |
And, the biggest highlight of this first birthday, was that Crosby has started walking! Actually, he took his first (real) steps last week, just 6 days shy of his birthday. Each day since then, he has gotten better. He still scrambles to a stable source (like adult legs, or sofa) to pull himself up and balance before making a move, but he's definitely walking! Darn Blogger...I can't upload the video. Will have to try YouTube, if I have time...
I've said it once, I've said it twice, and I'll say it again...and probably again, and again...I am SO happy David and I decided to have a 3rd baby. Three awesome boys is one crazy LOUD house. I long for quiet moments throughout my days, but I wouldn't want it to be all the time. The screeches, bickering, laughing, jumping, flopping around, dancing, wrestling, running, tumbling, dirty, torn up pants, crotch grabbing, pee on the floor...all worth it. I adore our little teddy bear of a baby boy, Crosby. He, with his big brothers, are all amazing.