Seriously, 5 years old?! I have a 7 year old and a 5 year old now. Whoah.

I would say that Tyler had a pretty good birthday. It started off much like any other morning. He picked what he wanted to eat for breakfast. We normally do sweet-free Fridays, but today, we let him have jam on his waffles. He then opened his presents. We got him Beyblade stuff and Despicable Me on DVD. While I put Crosby down for his morning nap, Tyler got to watch some PBS Kids, which he quite enjoys. Then, we headed out to his gymnastics class.
After class, he shared some cookies with the other boys in his class. I picked the lunch spot today: Uneeda Burger. Yum. We over ordered.
This afternoon, he took his nap, then played with Vincent until it was time to go to dinner. His choice restaurant was Lark. Unfortunately, Crosby wasn't doing too well there (read: fussy), so we had to cut dinner short and pick up dessert at the little market near home. It didn't seem to bother Tyler. We didn't even sing the birthday song (it's been sung several times this week already).
Before bedtime, we let him play Skylanders on the XBOX.
I'm glad he had a nice day. I hope that age 5 will be a great one for Tyler.